James said:
> It sounds like a race condition in our wscript files or waf. How willing are
> you to sink time into this, I think it's a losing proposition. 

I've got a --jobs=1 in my script.  That was added to make sure the printout 
was easy to read when there were compiler errors.

I'm willing to invest some time on this but I don't have any ideas on what to 

Note that it was building 3 copies of clockwork
  [  1/137] Compiling libntp/clockwork.c
  [  2/137] Compiling libaes_siv/aes_siv.c
  [  3/137] Compiling libntp/clockwork.c
  [  4/137] Compiling libntp/clockwork.c
I only expect 2

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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