On Sun, 23 Jul 2023, Hal Murray via devel wrote:
git log on a fresh clone shows things like this:
Author: Hal Murray <hmur...@megapathdsl.net>
Date: Tue Jul 4 15:16:47 2023 -0700
Squash warnings about not handled enumeration
I haven't used that email in ages. My profile has been updated. Mail from
gitlab goes to the right place.
Where is the other address stored and how do I fix it?
All my updates are setup and tested locally, then pushed with git push which
uses ssh.
That directory was cloned ages ago. The old email address may be on my disk.
A friesh clone has the old/wrong email in .git/logs/refs/remotes/origin/HEAD
Is anybody familiar with this tangle?
I wouldn't really call it a "tangle". :-)
The author email is set at the time the commit is created, usually
locally, and it should display in the editor as you're creating the
commit. It's not changed by push or clone, and your GitLab profile (or
any aspect of GitLab, for that matter) has nothing to do with it.
It can be set explicitly when a commit is created or amended, but the
default is from the user.email parameter in git config. Note the multiple
layers of git config, including one in your home directory and one in the
particular repo.
For starters, look at "git config -l". For more info on git config in
general, "man git-config".
Fred Wright
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