I was thinking that "latest" suggested newer.  3.1 is out, but none of the 
distros I test with are using it yet.  I was expecting a bug in that area.

It turns out that ubuntu-latest has an older version of OpenSSL 3.  It's using 
3.0.2.  The oldest 3.0 I have is 3.0.3.  Many distros are using 3.0.8

We still support 1.1.1, but that uses an API that is now deprecated.  Cleaning 
that up was what broke things.


If I/we want to test this, I think I have to grab the source for all the 
versions we want to test, build/test them.  Then setup a script that will
  for each version of OpenSSL
    install $version
    build/check ntpsec
    uninstall $version
Our build stuff is already setup to look in /usr/local/ and friends.

That only tests the NTP packet level crypto part of OpenSSL.  To test the 
NTS-LE part, we would have to install and run each built version.  Restarting 
the local ntpd could test the client side.  We would need to restart other 
servers so their client side would test our server side.

So plan B would be to setup an array of servers, each using a different 
version of OpenSSL.

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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