> On 03/23/2023 12:46 AM PDT Hal Murray via devel <devel@ntpsec.org> wrote:
> The pipeline fails on:
> Name: ubuntu-latest-basic
> Name: ubuntu-latest-refclocks
> Name: macos-basic
> Name: macos-refclocks
> All 4 get the same clump of errors:
> This code area isn't wonderful. It leaves a lot of stuff in global variables
> so it can decrypt stuff it just encrypted. The code works on all my test
> cases.
> Anybody know what version of OpenSSL macos or ubuntu-latest are using? There
> was a new version released recently: 3.0 => 3.1, I think. None of the other
> distros I test with are using 3.1 yet.

ubuntu-latest runs 3.0.2 [1], and my Ubuntu box with 3.0.8 passes.

> Where/how do I get ubuntu-latest?

I would suggest `docker push registry.gitlab.com/na280/ntpsec`,
but it seems that it rarely is acceptable, or go to the Ubuntu
website and download Jammy.

> We should patch the configure stuff to print out the version of OpenSSL that
> it finds.

I have a branch that does that badly. [2]

[1] https://gitlab.com/na280/ntpsec/-/jobs/3987240899

[2] https://gitlab.com/na280/ntpsec/-/commits/tlscheck
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