> On 01/12/2023 5:10 PM PST Gary E. Miller <g...@rellim.com> wrote:
> Yo All!
> Cross-posted to gpsd-dev and devel@ntpsec.org
> Recent glibc (2.34 and up) and recent Linux kernels, allow 64 bit
> time_t on 32-bit Linux without much work.
> But...
> How to get that 2038 compatible time to ntpd and chronyd?  That is a
> much bigger problem.
> Extracted from include/ntpshm.h:
> struct shmTime
> {
>     int mode;
>     volatile int count;
>     time_t clockTimeStampSec;
>     int clockTimeStampUSec;
>     time_t receiveTimeStampSec;
>     int receiveTimeStampUSec;
>     int leap;                   // not leapsecond offset, a notification code
>     int precision;              // log(2) of source jitter
>     int nsamples;               // not used
>     volatile int valid;
>     unsigned        clockTimeStampNSec;     // Unsigned ns timestamps
>     unsigned        receiveTimeStampNSec;   // Unsigned ns timestamps
>     int             dummy[8];
> };
> Note the struct size depends on the size of an int, and the size of time_t.
> This is no problem for newer musl on 32-bits. An int is 32-bits and
> time_t is 64.  Assuming all clients use the same version musl.
> This is a problem for glibc on 32 bits. And int is 32-bits, but time_t
> is a compile time option (32 or 64 bits).
> How does ntpd know what size time_t to use? And thus know the size of
> shmTime?  How do we know portably, preserving backwards and forwards
> compatibility?
> In hindsight, maybe shmTime should have started with a 1 char version
> field,or magic field.  But, no such luck.
> Options (for 32-bit only):
> 1.  Do nothing, stick with 32-bit time_t. Fail in 2038.
> 2.  Allow 64-bit time_t and let incompatible ntpd fail.
> 3.  Add run time options to gpsd and ntpd to specify time_t size.
> 4.  gpsd and ntpd always use 64-bit time_t going forward.  Admin needs
> to mix and match.
> 5.  1st process to open SHM(0) wins, the other process checks the size
> to know the contents.
> 6.  Create a new way to pass time from gpsd to ntpd and chronyd.
> Also note, chrony sockets have a similar problem:
> #define SOCK_MAGIC 0x534f434b
> struct sock_sample {
>     struct timeval tv;
>     double offset;
>     int pulse;
>     int leap;       // notify that a leap second is upcoming
>     int _pad;
>     int magic;      // must be SOCK_MAGIC
> };
> Where timeval is:
> struct timeval {
>     time_t          tv_sec;
>     suseconds_t     tv_usec;
> };
> ```
> Since the sample has a magic value, maybe that can be used to detect versions.
> This makes my head hurt...

IIRC there are a few users of those interfaces; linuxptp, gpsd, 
classic NTP, NTPsec, and chrony. I would jokingly suggest
something like the following as a replacement. Purely based on
the misassumption that SHM internally works on page-sized blocks
and probably via POSIX shared memory which would allow names.
Also, the mode should be 640, and the root user should not be
remotely involved.

typedef struct {
        uint32_t left_book;
        uint32_t mode; // modes 4-7 match this
        uint32_t half_epoch; /* number of 2^31 seconds since
                                1900-01-01T00:00:00Z */
        uint32_t c_seconds;  /* coarse time from string mangling
                                probably */
        uint32_t c_nseconds;    
        uint32_t f_seconds;  /* fine time probably from a pulse 
                                per second */
        uint32_t f_nseconds;
        signed int32_t leap;
        signed int32_t precision;
        uint32_t padding[1013]; // I think it should be 1014
        uint32_t right_book;
} pshm_t;

The low two bits of mode could be the validity of coarse and 
fine time, respectively. Anyone needing microsecond or NTP
partial seconds can math it.

Posted to gpsd issue #152 earlier, gpsd-dev, and NTPsec devel.

- JamesB192
I'm supposed to put a signature here...
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