> On 12/23/2022 7:51 AM PST NTPfiend via users <us...@ntpsec.org> wrote:
> My instance of ntpsec gave up after just over a year uptime, so I went for a 
> re-installation (later R Pi, now 64 bit). Today (23 Dec) I attempted to run 
> clockmaker but it did not get far:
> [Line 210]
> SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'. Did you mean 
> print("Configuring locale...")?
> I made the suggested mod, which looks like a Python2 to Python3 thing, and 
> the same happened 2 lines later, and for a number of other lines. "Fixing" 
> the lot, clockmaker is now running and doing what it should do. No smoke 
> (yet) as a result of my hack.
> I'm a user not a coder, hence the posting here. It's entirely possible I've 
> misunderstood something.

No one has tried to update clockmaker, and has stuck around
long enough for it to take.

Merge requests have been pushed to NTPsec/www to see if
they adhere.

Ignore the evil crossposting.
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