Hi all,

We had some recent commits to fix issues found by Google's OSS-Fuzz scanner so 
we've decided to do a release candidate today and then a full release next week 
after we've had some more time to kick the tires.

The release candidate is available at 
https://ftp.ntpsec.org/pub/releases/ntpsec-1.2.2-rc1.tar.gz  The tarball is not 
PGP signed, but the final release will be.

Let me know if you have any feedback or questions.

From: Matt Selsky <matthew.sel...@twosigma.com>
Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2022 4:26 PM
To: devel@ntpsec.org <devel@ntpsec.org>
Subject: Release coming, take 2

Hi all,

I plan to cut a release on Thu 12/22/2022.  I'm sorry about the delays in 
getting this release out the door.

If there's anything that absolutely must be in this release and can't wait 
until the next release, please let me know.  Otherwise, I plan to tidy up the 
NEWS file as needed and then ship what we have.

Going forward, I'll try to make sure that I'm doing releases more regularly, 
maybe 6 months or so?

Thanks everyone for your patience.

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