Speaking of laggy, this just showed up in my inbox today, June 13, at 06:52:20 -0700.

I spent a large portion of my systems administrator career building and managing mailservers. I'd be happy to assist if I can - regrettably though, I don't have direct experience with Postfix - the MTA involved here - having instead used qmail, sendmail, and exim4 over the decades.

On 6/3/2022 5:05 AM, James Browning via devel wrote:
I quit the project a while back and have yet to be allowed to join the group (greater scope). I am more useless than usual for the duration, as I can't tag my work or bless other peoples' work. I had forgotten that I could not merge my work for 6-10months before that (fun). I have a branch 2022f03-ci-patch that solves/works around some periodic CI runners' issues. Was there going to be a release soonish? If so, my merge request can wait. Otherwise, the project should be woken up but not stunned. Also, the mailing list seems laggy. Is there anything that anyone can do to reduce the lateness?

devel mailing list

Paul Theodoropoulos

devel mailing list
  • CI and things James Browning via devel
    • Re: CI and things Paul Theodoropoulos via devel

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