I have this patch is my local copy.  It's leftover from when I broke something 
and discovered that the test stuff crashed here.  Obviously, I screwed up by 
not keeping better notes and sending in a bug report.

Does anybody understand this corner of python enough to be able to figure out 
what the bug is and what the correct fix is?

--- a/wafhelpers/bin_test.py
+++ b/wafhelpers/bin_test.py
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ def run(cmd, reg, pythonic):
         addLog("GREEN", prefix + "  OK")
         return True
     addLog("RED", prefix + "  FAILED")
-    addLog("PINK", "Expected: " + reg)
+    addLog("PINK", "Expected: " + str(breg))
     if stdout:
         addLog("PINK", "Got (stdout): " + stdout)
     if stderr:

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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