Hal Murray via devel writes:
>> the assumption you are suffering from GPS rollover issues
> WNRO seems unlikely.  That would be off by 20 years.  This case if off by 2.

Did you even read what I wrote?  This is ntpd assuming a WRNO and
warping the time forward in a misguided attemt at fixing it.  Just like
what happens when I cold start my NavSpark module and it starts from the
firmware compilation date:


This is before ntpd was compiled, so it adds 1024 weeks until it gets a
date past its own compilation time and happily announces to the system
that it is now February 11, 2026.

Which means that the Garmin likely started from October 2, 2002 when
cold booted.  That means it either has a very out-of-date firmware or
the storage keeping the last time got corrupted in some way.

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