Anybody running on FreeBSD?

I've had an eye on that hole in our code for a long time and finally stumbled 
into how to do it.

The trick is that you have to load a kernel module: mac_ntpd
That adds 2 new slots to sysctl:
  security.mac.ntpd.uid: 123
  security.mac.ntpd.enabled: 1
If you are not root, but the module is loaded and enabled and your userid 
matches, you can fiddle the clock.

123 is conveniently setup to be user ntpd so adding -u ntpd:ntpd to ntpd's 
command line works as expected, but only if the module is loaded.

The startup script in /etc/rc.d/ntpd sets the user to ntpd:ntpd before running 
ntpd, but only if your config file doesn't have any files that might not work 
with a jail, or something like that.  That failed for me with network 
permission problems.  I didn't investigate.

You can load the module with kldload or by adding
to your /etc/rc.conf and rebooting.

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