>Hal Murray hmurray at megapathdsl.net wrote:
>Fri Dec 6 11:47:41 UTC 2019
>I just pushed it.
>Default is no change.  If you add --disable-fuzz to your configure line, 
>almost all that code goes away.
>The "almost" is because ifdef-s don't work in bison input.  So "tinker tick 
><number>" still gets past the parser.  I think "tinker tick 0" may disable 
>fuzzing for with-fuzz code, but I didn't notice that until I was well into 
>adding ifdef-s.
>It will be interesting to see if anybody can notice any difference.
I noticed a significant improvement with the Ublox driver. Please see
the data posted in the Issue 499 thread:

devel mailing list
  • --disable-fuzz Hal Murray via devel
    • RE: --disable-fuzz Trevor N. via devel

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