On 11/24/19 2:23 AM, Udo van den Heuvel via devel wrote:
> I cam across this ublox ntpsec refclock:
> https://gitlab.com/trv-n/ntpsec-ublox

That's certainly interesting. I'd personally be interested, from a
hobby/curiosity* perspective, in such a driver if it automated various
configuration steps to optimize timing. At the low end of complexity,
that might be setting "stationary mode". In the middle might be
disabling SBAS, etc. (as recommended by ublox for timing). At the high
end, that might be doing something with timing mode: e.g. if the
position is unknown, do a survey-in, then save the position to a file,
at (ntpd && GPS receiver) restart, load the fixed position back into the
GPS receiver.

Of course, if gpsd did the same, that'd work for me too. A series of
gpsctl commands in a script would also work.

* Whether this actually matters for NTP accuracy is questionable. From
  what Gary has said, it probably doesn't matter.


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