Richard Laager via devel writes:
> On 11/21/19 1:15 AM, Hal Murray wrote:
>>> ntp1 uses the PPS refclock with a polling interval of 3 from a telecom GPSDO
>>> (OCXO): 
>> What brand/model?
> Symmetricom TimeSource 3000. It's an older, end-of-life model that we've
> had in place for a while. We have four of them in different sites, but
> this is the only one with a server with NTP hooked up to it.

AFAIK that model uses an antenna with an integrated GPS receiver
frontend and then sends the IF down the cable.  That's how you get to
have absurdly long cable runs with relatively cheap coax cable.  But
that unit came in many configurations, so best to check what you have

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