Achim Gratz via devel <>:
> Eric S. Raymond via devel writes:
> > I'm going by the frequency of Cygwin-specific shims I've seen, and had
> > to maintain, in GPSD.
> …a platform that you officially do not support but it looks like you may
> have, in the past.  That must have been years, if not decades ago.
> There's only three instances of Cygwin-specific code in the current gpsd
> repository.  The first one is in SConstruct; whatever it's doing is
> questionable since it will probably make stuff inaccessible that you
> would actually want to know about, but whatever (as the platform you
> disable are not supported anyway).  The other two instances are both
> about cfmakeraw missing (a BSD function, not POSIX), which actually is
> implemented in Cygwin since September 2008.  Also, if anything it
> shouldn't be conditional on the platform but rather a feature test for
> cfmakeraw.

I'd love to remove those shims. But AFIK we don't have anyone testing
on Cygwin.  Can you?
                <a href="";>Eric S. Raymond</a>

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