Yo Matthew!

On Sat, 23 Mar 2019 01:08:06 +0000
Matthew Selsky <matthew.sel...@twosigma.com> wrote:

> This sounds like:
> https://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-985136.html

Sure does.

> "The solution is simple, for some reason, when linking the library,
> -lssl must be in front of -lcrypto."

Fingers crossed.

> Can you run "./waf build -v" to confirm the order of the linker
> arguments?

I think this is what you want:

[115/137] Linking build/main/ntpd/ntpd
18:26:05 runner ['/usr/bin/gcc', '-pie', 'ntpd/ntp_config.c.20.o', 
.20.o', 'ntpd/ntp_loopfilter.c.20.o', 'ntpd/ntp_packetstamp.c.20.o', 
er.c.20.o', 'ntpd/ntp_proto.c.20.o', 'ntpd/ntp_sandbox.c.20.o', 
.c.20.o', 'ntpd/ntp_signd.c.20.o', 'ntpd/ntp_timer.c.20.o', 
, 'ntpd/ntpd.c.20.o', 'build/host/ntpd/ntp_parser.tab.c.20.o', 
c.1.o', 'ntpd/ntp_filegen.c.1.o', 'ntpd/ntp_leapsec.c.1.o', 
.o', 'ntpd/ntp_recvbuff.c.1.o', 'ntpd/ntp_restrict.c.1.o', 
 'ntpd/nts.c.1.o', 'ntpd/nts_server.c.1.o', 'ntpd/nts_client.c.1.o', 
okie.c.1.o', 'ntpd/nts_extens.c.1.o', 'ntpd/ntp_refclock.c.3.o', 
onf.c.3.o', 'ntpd/refclock_oncore.c.4.o', 'ntpd/refclock_trimble.c.5.o', 
fclock_truetime.c.6.o', 'ntpd/refclock_gpsd.c.7.o', 'ntpd/refclock_jjy.c.8.o', 
tpd/refclock_generic.c.9.o', 'ntpd/refclock_spectracom.c.10.o', 
s.c.11.o', 'ntpd/refclock_hpgps.c.12.o', 'ntpd/refclock_zyfer.c.13.o', 
lock_arbiter.c.14.o', 'ntpd/refclock_nmea.c.15.o', 
', 'ntpd/refclock_modem.c.17.o', 'ntpd/refclock_local.c.18.o', 
.c.19.o', '-o/u/local/src/NTP/ntpsec/build/main/ntpd/ntpd', '-Wl,-Bstatic', 
baes_siv', '-Llibntp', '-Llibparse', '-laes_siv', '-lntp', '-lparse', 
mic', '-L/usr/local/ssl/lib', '-L/usr/local/ssl/lib', '-lcrypto', '-lssl', 
 '-lrt', '-lcap', '-lpthread', '-ldl', '-lssp', '-lssp_nonshared', 
'-Wl,--strip-all', '-Wl,-z,relro']

>  And then swap them to confirm the fix?

I tried to modify the wscript to do that, but failed...

> I'd be happy to rejigger the wscript files once you confirm the fix
> itself.

Any ideas how I could confirm?

Gary E. Miller Rellim 109 NW Wilmington Ave., Suite E, Bend, OR 97703
        g...@rellim.com  Tel:+1 541 382 8588

            Veritas liberabit vos. -- Quid est veritas?
    "If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it." - Lord Kelvin

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