Yo Hal!

On Fri, 08 Mar 2019 15:17:40 -0800
Hal Murray via devel <devel@ntpsec.org> wrote:

> Gary said:
> >>  So maybe master.keys?  
> > Works for me.  Hal?  
> Seems misleading to me.  There is nothing master-ish about it.  It
> only lets you unlock a subset of the cookies associated with a single
> system.

It is what the Proposed RFC calls it, Section 6:

    "Servers should randomly generate and store a master AEAD key
    `K`. Servers should additionally choose a non-secret, unique value `I`
    as key-identifier for `K`."

I hate to use a different lexicon than the standard.

Got a better idea?

> > I care to reduce the vocabulary, and to make the vocabulary match
> > the Proposed RFC.   
> Master isn't used in the draft.  The terms in the draft are K and I.

No.  See above.

> How about K-I.keys

I'm not a fan of uppercase in file names, excapt a few like README, TODO,
etc. where you need to catch the users attention.

Plus it is K, I and the start time so the rollover can be computed.

Maybe k-i-d.keys?  Does not exactly flow off the tongue...

> > Uh, say what?  How/when/where does ntpd create the master keys?  I
> > thought those were an input.  At least the initial master key(s).   
> Nope.  ntpd makes up the keys, writes them to disk, and reloads them
> on restart.

Ah, as the Section 6 snippet says above.

> There is a proposal, hinted at in the draft and clarified in a
> message from Daniel to derive successive keys with a ratchet
> algorithm.

Which I am not a fan of.  If a server, like NIST, is doing 200,000
queries a second, then in a few days you get into large numbnbers that,
at least theoretically, challenge the cryptograpy.

But I could live with it if the cookies have a limited lifetime, like
a few days.

> The idea is that a NTS-KE server could support a
> cluster/pool by getting copies of the whatever-they-are-called files
> from the NTP servers it supports.

Or the other way around.  I would trust the pool NTS-KE server to
have a better random number generator than a bunch of random NTPD

> It could run the same ratchet
> algorithm so it could make cookies without needing to consult the
> server it picked.

Yeah, I'm not a fan of that.  I'd like the NTS-KE to talk to the
NTPD at least daily for a liveness check.

> (The cluster server would have a file per
> server.)

Or not.

> You could reverse it and have the NTS-KE server make the
> file and send it to the NTP server.

Which would be my preference.

And it all assumes way too much about how NTS-KE server and NTPD server
magically talk with no defined protocol.  let's not get into that
tarpit now.

> Plan B is to extend the NTS-KE protocol slightly to handle the
> cluster/pool case.  The individual NTP servers in the cluster/pool
> would also run a NTS-KE server.

Which negates the benefit of moving the crypto from the NTPD to the
NTS-KE.  I do not like that idea.

> The NTS-KE server for the
> cluster/pool would relay the KE request to the selected server.  The
> protocol would have to be extended to include C2S and S2C.

Ouch.  Too much to dislike, and way to early to talk about.

Gary E. Miller Rellim 109 NW Wilmington Ave., Suite E, Bend, OR 97703
        g...@rellim.com  Tel:+1 541 382 8588

            Veritas liberabit vos. -- Quid est veritas?
    "If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it." - Lord Kelvin

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