Hal Murray via devel writes:
> Gary said:
>> It is missing key rotation.  Also how to share keys between standalone NTS-KE
>> and NTPD.
> Why do we need a standalone NTS-KE server?

Because you only want one NTS-KE per any number of ntpd on a large fleet
of hardware (think a warehouse full of compute racks) and of course the
NTP pool servers will not work with NTS any other way.

> I don't understand that use case.  Without checking the certificate,
> you have no real security.

Ack.  Plus you can set up so that the validation never leaves the local
network if that's a requirement.  I didn't say "easily" because I've not
yet tried, but in any case you shouldn't shut off validation, but rather
configure the path it takes.

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