Eric said:
>> I've been collecting major items in devel/TODO-NTS
> Is there some reason this isn't just a section in nts.adoc?  (Which may need
> some GC at this point.) The whole idea of that document was to be a planning
> whiteboard. 

Only signal to noise.  I was trying to capture the big ideas without getting 
bogged down in details.


My big concern is that nobody else seems to be testing it.  There may be 
dragons that I haven't poked.


> Remember, I'm trying to get away from configure-time options.

There is a fundamental conflict between ease of use, ease of debugging, and 
good security.  I don't know how to resolve that.  Mostly, I was trying to 
raise the issue.  Configure-time issues are just a detail.

For Go, can we build 2 versions by linking in different modules?

Has anybody looked at our configure time options?  How many of them make sense 
in the context of Go?  (ignore refclocks)


These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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