Hal Murray <hmur...@megapathdsl.net>:
> I'd probably put an NTS_KE_ in front of all the record_types, IANA_ on the 
> crypto list, and NTP_EX_ on the NTP extension types.

No objection from here.

> Maybe:
>   ntp_append_record(&buffer-blk, type, length, &data, pad)
> It would byte-swap and append the type and length, copy the data, and maybe 
> pad.
> It would silently truncate if it didn't fit.
> The caller could check for nothing left after putting everything in to see if 
> it overflowed.
> On receive, I think I want a ntp_next_record that would return the type, 
> store 
> the length iand pointer to data in arguments, and bump the pointer to the 
> next 
> record.  It can't copy the data anyplace because I don't know where I want to 
> put it until I dispatch on the type.
> We probably want special routines that handle the data being a 2 byte int.

Do you want me to write those?

> Eric:
>   I'm still not happy with your nts_decorate and nts_validate.  We can sort 
> that out later.

Suggestions cheerfully accepted.  I did the simplest thing I could think of to
isolate the NTS code from the protcol machine.
                <a href="http://www.catb.org/~esr/";>Eric S. Raymond</a>

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