Hal Murray via devel writes:
> devel@ntpsec.org said:
>> It doesn't recover at all (well, not over the course of two weeks, that was
>> the longest time I watched it without restarting) and there is no code I
>> could find that would allow it to recover.  I'm almost certain that it falls
>> into the KOD trap at some point (which should be non-survivable, probably),
>> what I don't understand is how it gets there.
> I just tried it.  My test case recovered.

I'm certainly missing some context as I know neither what you tried nor
what test case you're talking about (presumably something in conjunction
with #437).

Anyway, recovery in the case I'm talking about would be if the
originally configured poll interval was re-established (I run all
internal servers with minpoll=maxpoll=4).  That never happens for me
once hpoll moves up to 10.

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