
Wheile trying to debug the slow/failing ntpsec builds since upgrading to
fedora 29, I noticed this:

# ./waf build
--- building host ---
Waf: Entering directory `/usr/src/redhat/BUILD/ntpsec-1.1.2/build/host'
Waf: Leaving directory `/usr/src/redhat/BUILD/ntpsec-1.1.2/build/host'
--- building main ---
Waf: Entering directory `/usr/src/redhat/BUILD/ntpsec-1.1.2/build/main'
--- PYTHONDARCHIR not in PYTHONPATHloading the Python ntp library may be
troublesome ---
[ 98/123] Compiling build/main/ntpd/ntp.conf-man.txt.man-tmp
[114/123] Compiling build/main/ntptime/ntptime-man.txt.man-tmp

When I googled PYTHONDARCHIR I only found the ntpsec waf file as a hit.
If this is not a typo, please explain how to set up this variable.

Kind regards,
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