Gary E. Miller via devel writes:
> u-blox has an app note:
> In Section 5.1.1 they recommend a 50mmm to 70mm square ground plane
> under a patch antenna.  They do not recommend anything larger then
> 100mm (4").

That part of the app note is directed at passive antennas.  The
directionality should indeed change with the size of the ground plane
even for active antennas, but at least with the two types of active
patch antennas that I have used I've not seen a difference in
performance with the size of the ground plane.  There is an immediate
drop in performance without a ground plane (well, not exactly without as
these come with a plane about 2mm wider than the body of the patch
antenna, but that's obviously too small for getting the full
sensitivity).  Anyway, putting a magnetic puck on the bottom of an emty
can works just fine as does the scrap of aluminum foil.

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