On 8/7/2018 20:15 PM, MIKE MAJOR via devel wrote:
Hello all,

I found another issue and then hit a hard stop.

In the HOWTO section "Live-test the GPS", the reader is instructed to build gpsd using: |$scons timeservice=yes magic_hat=yes nmea0183=yes fixed_port_speed=9600 fixed_stop_bits=1 When running gpsmon /dev/gpsd0, it is expected that there are scrolling lines at the bottom showing raw data. I didn't get that. Cross checking with the clockmaker script showed that 2 options are missing from the HOWTO text: ublox=yes mtk3301=yes I did a scons --clean and rebuilt adding the 2 options and voila, scrolling raw data at the bottom. Paul, can you submit a fix for that too? |
|When you say that you 'didn't get that' - what exactly happened? You ran gpsmon /dev/gpsd0, and it just returned to the prompt? Or garbage onscreen? or....?

Of note, I'm a minor contributor here - Not a coder, just a sysadmin, and avocational wordsmith. Gary, esr, etc would be the coding magicians.
|Here is where I hit the hard stop. Upon running ntpshmmon, there is no data available. Up until this point, I would say that the build was going well. Everything met expectation (after adding the 2 scons build options). The only output I get is the ntpshmmon version and the line showing the column headers but no scrolling data. |

When you say 'there is no data available' is that message what was displayed onscreen, or something else?

Regarding using the Debian package, Gary already answered, but it's also worthwhile building it because - even as excellent as Debian is at getting new stuff distributed "quickly" (in distro time), the git repo has the code that's still sizzling when it's put on your plate.

Paul Theodoropoulos

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