Hal Murray <hmur...@megapathdsl.net>:
> devel@ntpsec.org said:
> > I see no real blockers.  We've got a bunch of little nits and documentation
> > issues.  I might try to push a fix for #446. 
> There is no problem unless you setup your keys file to use an algorithm with 
> a big digest.
> The short term clean fix is to reject algorithms with too-big digests.  It's 
> a few lines of code.  You can copy it from attic/digest-find.c

Would you do this, please?  You obviously know the code and the context.

> The simpler fix, 2 lines in 2 places, is to truncate the length at the place 
> where it is used.  That will make bigger/better digests "work", but not the 
> way you might expect and I don't want to document that tangle and we probably 
> don't want to have anything to do with not-as-secure-as-you-expect.

Bletch.  No, we don't.

> The right fix is to actually support longer digests.  I think that requires 
> getting an extension code from IANA.  I'd be willing to delay a release if we 
> want to do that.  I'd expect days or weeks rather than months, but it might 
> get tangled up with IETF work.  (There is current discussion in this area.)

It's Mark's call whether we hold the release, but what I will advise is that
we put this on the task list for the next one.  Please open a tracker request
for enhancement and explain the IANA connection.

Classic had some CVEs out on 27 Feb.  Yesterday I merged the one fix we
appear to need; Daniel thinks we plugged the holes leading to the other
five in the protocol refactor.

I plan to fix some documentation nits before we ship.
                <a href="http://www.catb.org/~esr/";>Eric S. Raymond</a>

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