
    This was sent to "", and I thought it should end
up to your attention.

  - JDB

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject:        [] draft-ietf-ntp-ma and
draft-ietf-ntp-using-nts-for-ntp in NTPSec?
Date:   Tue, 27 Feb 2018 04:25:23 +0000
From:   Panos Kampanakis (pkampana) <>
To: <>
CC:     Nur Hayat (nuhayat) <>, Jeff Johnson (johnsonj)

Hi NTPSec experts,
At Cisco, we have an interest in seeing draft-ietf-ntp-mac and
draft-ietf-ntp-using-nts-for-ntp make it to the NTPSec code. That would
accelerate what we are seeing our customers demand, a secure NTP MAC
instead of MD5 in the short term, and a PKI/TLS-based secure NTP in the
long term.
It is something that you have been asked before I am sure: Are there
plans and estimates about implementing these two drafts that are in in
IETF WGLC status?
If Cisco could accelerate the implementation via funding for the NTPSec
Project, we could look into that.
I would appreciate a response,
Panos Kampanakis
Cisco Systems
devel mailing list

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