If we are serious about security, it seems like a good tool to add to the collection.
Is there a HOWTO set it up? I didn't find one for NTP. Are all jaildirs sufficiently similar that a global HOWTO is all one needs to set one up for NTP? I found one for FreeBSD, but not much for Linux. If I search for HOWTO chroot rather than HOWTO jaildir, I find some info for BIND. If anybody has a favorite, please let me know. from the man page: -i string, --jaildir=string Jail directory. Chroot the server to the directory jaildir This option also implies that the server attempts to drop root privileges at startup. You may need to also specify a -u option. This option is only available if the OS supports adjusting the clock without full root privileges. This option is supported under Linux, NetBSD and Solaris. I wonder why it is -i rather than -j. -- These are my opinions. I hate spam. _______________________________________________ devel mailing list devel@ntpsec.org http://lists.ntpsec.org/mailman/listinfo/devel