Some additional suggested work items:
* registered (I will take that one)
* do we KNOW that the DEB and RPM distro packaging works?
* get into the distros:
** setup an Ubuntu PPA (I will take that)
** setup a YUM repo (JDB, can you do that, working with GEM?)
** Debian as an alt
** Ubuntu as an alt
** Fedora as an alt
** Yocto
** ipkg
** opkg
** Automotive Grade Linux
** Amazon Linux (I plan to shamelessly use my dayjob position here)
** Scientific Linux
* Once the snmp subagent is returning data:
** a TUI display app for it
** a GUI display app for it
** something cool: write another closely related snmp subagent for the GPSD

I agree with ESR about suggested work assignments:
* GEM: startup jittery and time-to-stable
* DFF: data hiding patch
* ESR: local monitoring mode
* Ian: make snmp return data
* Hal: keep doing your amazing work
* Everyone else: what would you like to do?



Mark Atwood
+1-206-604-2198 Mobile & Signal
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