Yo Hal!

On Tue, 06 Jun 2017 16:49:57 -0700
Hal Murray via devel <devel@ntpsec.org> wrote:

> ntpd has a lot of ugly code to fuzz the clock.  I don't really
> understand that area.  I think it makes sense if the clock has big
> ticks.  Do we want to support those systems?  If not, I think we can
> clean up a lot of tiny code chunks.

I have run tests removing the fuzz code.  Never found any change with or
without the clock fuzz.  I was too scared to remove it.

Gary E. Miller Rellim 109 NW Wilmington Ave., Suite E, Bend, OR 97703
        g...@rellim.com  Tel:+1 541 382 8588

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    "If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it." - Lord Kelvin

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