More pivoting....

pylib calls ntp.ntpc.lfptofloat() in several places

ntpc_lfptofloat() calls lfp_stamp_to_tspec()
That's an inline which calls ntpcal_ntp_to_time()

ntpcal_ntp_to_time takes an optional second argument, the pivot time.
If it's NULL, it uses "now".


The code in step_systime() is really really ugly.  (to my eye)

It starts by computing the pivot.  It gets the build time as a broken down 
struct, subtracts 10 years, converts back to a time_t.  All that can be 

It converts the step to a l_fp, gets the system time as a tspec, converts 
that to l_fp, adds them together, then converts back to a tspec.  That 
convert back uses the pivot.

Now that we have a nice simple EPOCH, I hope somebody cleans that up.

Does the 10 year step back make any sense?

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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