Some of this should have been obvious, but ...

In the process of trying to understand some pool stuff, I came to some 
leftover multicast stuff.

When the pool code gets an IP address, it doesn't setup a peer slot.  It just 
sends a normal client request packet.

When the answer returns, the receive routine decides it's a manycast packet 
and hands it off to handle_manycast() which makes the peer block.

The key to that decision is a table lookup in findpeer().  It uses 
MATCH_ASSOC() to look in AM which is two dimensional.  One is the type of 
packet.  The other is the local state that I haven't sorted out yet.

There is a hash table on remote IP address to find the peer block.

Mumble.  It's working now.  We can clean things up when I get the rest of the 
DNS stuff over the hump.  I think the right thing to do is make the peer 
block early on and throw them away if there isn't any response.

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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