On Mon, Mar 6, 2017 at 3:41 PM, Eric S. Raymond <e...@thyrsus.com> wrote:
> The NTPsec repo is open for commits again.
> If you have any difficulties with the alterered repo, please report them.

I created a GitLab fork of the project before the surgery, which I
used for generating merge requests.

I just attempted to set up repository mirroring with the main project
repo so that my fork stays up-to-date.

The sync failed with the following GitLab error in the web UI:

"The default branch (master) has diverged from its upstream
counterpart and could not be updated automatically."

I think this is expected behavior after the surgery. I'm just leaving
a note here on devel for the record. It will probably be necessary to
delete my fork and create a new one.
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