e...@thyrsus.com said:
> I'm not pulling this estimate out of a hat.  "It will last about as long  as
> it already has" is, as it turns out, a pretty good heuristic for systems
> that evolve under selection. 

I don't think that is the question I was trying to ask.

The case I was interested in is user takes a snapshot, then never updates.  
(Let's assume there are no major security issues.)

> Apparently you don't understand the solution Dave Mills already embedded in
> the design. This surprises me.

> Here's how I think it works:

> Instances of ntpd with different pivot points can synchronize because
> maximum time skew between servers is much smaller than the modulus of the
> NTP calendar.  Above certain skew, the code says "uh oh, looks like I'm
> hearing from a server with an epoch other that mine. That means I need to do
> calendar aithmetic to figure out which epoch assuption will minimze the
> skew". 

I think we are on the same wavelength.  Or close enough.

I think your "calendar aithmetic" is misleading.  It's epoch arithmetic, a 
simple add.

The reason I got started on this line of thought is that I haven't found the 
code that deals with the pivot point.

Yes, if we had working pivot point code things would keep working forever as 
long as it was updated occasionally.

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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