On Mon, 13 Feb 2017, Gary E. Miller wrote:
> On Mon, 13 Feb 2017 13:02:49 -0800 (PST)
> Fred Wright <f...@fwright.net> wrote:
> > I suggest reverting 287a00b9a until a more judicious way to apply the
> > appropriate options can be worked out.
> Sorry, can't do that.  Can only move forward, not back.

I contend that any properly conditional means of adding those flags will
look completely different from 287a00b9a, so the change as it stands has
no value (not to mention negative value on some platforms).  I've already
locally reverted it just to get something that isn't broken.

> > Note that one can always get
> > the same effect temporarily for testing just by specifying
> > CFLAGS/LDFLAGS on the command line.
> Except doing that with buildbot is a PITA.

Don't the buildbots have a way to specify environment variables?  Travis
certainly does.

It would also be useful to have the buildbots feed from a testing branch,
so that the master branch doesn't get used as a testing sandbox (e.g.,

Fred Wright
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