Commercial FOSS audit tools like Protecode and BlackDuck will match a snippet 
and attribute to the FOSS project. 

> On Jan 30, 2017, at 12:30 PM, Mark Atwood <> wrote:
> That's... complicated.
> We don't need to have a notice attached to every file, because there is a 
> copyright notice attached to the project as a whole, and there is a notice 
> attached to each repo.  Individual files generally don't each need their own 
> notice, since individual files generally no longer get "detached" from a 
> project or tree.
> But, if you were to copy in a substantial amount of text from another source, 
> you should make sure that the copyright from that source is properly 
> declared, right next to the text pulled in.
> Also, however, documentation is a bit unusual in that it is much more likely 
> to be detached and separately distributed from the rest of the project.  We 
> should make sure that if the documentation is ever printed out, or is 
> separately displayed on sites like, that a copyright notice should 
> be readable.
> ..m
>> On Mon, Jan 30, 2017 at 1:55 AM Hal Murray <> wrote:
>> said:
>> > Right now our standard copyright text is "Copyright 
>> > S by the NTP Project contributors"
>> Should the documentation files have a copyright notice?
>> --
>> These are my opinions.  I hate spam.
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