Yo Eric!

On Tue, 13 Dec 2016 19:20:10 -0500
"Eric S. Raymond" <e...@thyrsus.com> wrote:

> Gary E. Miller <g...@rellim.com>:
> > > > Does anyone else have any ideas for any other data displays to
> > > > add to it?    
> > > I thought about adding ifstats, but that's not very interesting
> > > now and us going to get more boring once I strip out interface
> > > scannig.  
> > 
> > I'd like to see the 'ntpq -c cv [associd]' data for one association
> > in the bottom window. or maybe '-c rl', or all the data from both.
> > Not sure how best to select the associd to show, maybe a simple
> > scroll of them all to start.
> > 
> > I'm thinking there may be something interesting in there.  
> You can already do 'ntpq -c cv [associd]' with...ntpq.  Why do you
> consider it's desirable to duplicate that function in ntpmon?

I don't dedire to duplicate.  I want to not break a long standing tool
(ntpq) and help create a much improved new tool (ntpmon).

The ntpq way to dig out data is pain to use and painful to understand.
Putting ALL the data related to an associd in one place, and formatting
it in a pleasing manner will make the data much easier to use and

> I think you're in too much of a rush to load features on a new toy
> and are failing to think about separation of function as you should.

Well, you did ask.  I do not intend to suggestion any high or
low priority.  The fact that some ntpq associations was broken for
long jsut demonstrates the problems with ntpq that ntpmon can

> Well, "should" in an ideal world, anyway.  In the real world, you
> have some excuse because defending the cleanliness of the
> architecture against featuritis is my job.

OTOH, things like the sync distance can be broken for so long because
of a lack of data transparency.

> The design intention of ntpmon is to provide a fast, near-real-time
> view that warns you when some condition might be deviating from the
> expected. If you want to drill down, that's what ntpq is for.

Well, sort of.  For historic reasons we do not want to change ntpw
too much.

> Instead of trying to make ntpmon do things ntpq does well already,
> you should be asking yourself what a TUI program like ntpmon can do
> well that a CLI program like ntpq cannot.

I agree, with the caveat that ntpq does few thinsg well.

Gary E. Miller Rellim 109 NW Wilmington Ave., Suite E, Bend, OR 97703
        g...@rellim.com  Tel:+1 541 382 8588

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