Yo Hal!

On Mon, 12 Sep 2016 15:39:26 -0700
Hal Murray <hmur...@megapathdsl.net> wrote:

> The logging stuff goes through a subroutine, one for each of the 4
> types. That subroutine translates a compile time constant to a
> string, maybe logs it, and maybe saves the new state.  I'd have to
> check the code to be sure.
> If you grep for clock_step, you will find the translation table.  
>   ./libntp/statestr.c:    { EVNT_CLOCKRESET,      "clock_step" },
> If you grep for EVNT_CLOCKRESET you will find the place in
> ntp_loopfilter where it gets used.

Which is only vaguely related to panicgate.  So not useful.

> > I got the test case, as in my previous email:
> > # killall ntpd; sleep 1; ntpd -N -g  
> That test case doesn't show that -g is the problem.  I expect you
> would get the same thing without the -g.

Well, duh!

> > But so many bad things going on there hard to tell one from the
> > other.  
> Then why are you claiming that -g is causing the problems?  That's
> why I said "wild goose chase".

Because it does appear to.

> Please start a new thread with a description of the start/restart
> quirks you are seeing and the environment.  Graphs and/or test cases
> are good.

You already opened a bug: #45.  I'm happy to focus on that one first
as the most obvious to start.

> > I find a minimum test is at least 24 hours, better yet 48 or more.  
> That doesn't match my experience, at least if you are talking about 
> start/restart transients.

All there on my plots.  Feel free to post yours.

> I haven't looked carefully.

Please do.  That is what I am doing.  I don't expect our data to match
that closely.  Even my Pi's are all different.

Gary E. Miller Rellim 109 NW Wilmington Ave., Suite E, Bend, OR 97703
        g...@rellim.com  Tel:+1 541 382 8588

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