Yo Eric!

No rush on these, but i was playing with stats today, so I looked at
ntpstats.  Looking good, but not ready for me to try to use live.

1. not installed by default

2. no help:
        # ./ntpviz  -h
        option -h not recognized

3. not finding my Liberation fonts:

        # ./ntpviz  -d /var/log/ntpstats
        warning: liberation truetype fonts not found

chrony-graph finds them just fine, they are in:

And I have the Sans-regular:


3. not working options:

        # ./ntpviz  -d /var/log/ntpstats --clock-offset
        option --clock-offset not recognized

        # ./ntpviz  -d /var/log/ntpstats --clock-jitter
        option --clock-jitter not recognized

        # ./ntpviz  -d /var/log/ntpstats --clock-stability > tmp.plot
        option --clock-stability not recognized

4. --peer-jitters, works.  
   Missing 99%, 90%, etc. lines and values. 
   Why '--peer-jitters" when it only takes one argment, and can only be used

5. --peer-jitters, works.  
   Missing 50% line and value.  I'd also like the 90% and 5% lines/values.
   Why '--peer-offsets" when it only takes one argment, and can only be used

6. error handling needs work:

    # ./ntpviz  -d /var/log/ntpstats --peer-offsets  > tmp.plot
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "./ntpviz", line 107, in <module>
        plot = stats.peer_offsets_gnuplot(show_peer_offsets)
      File "/u1/src/NTP/ntpsec/ntpstats/ntpstats.py", line 225, in 
        return self.peerstats_gnuplot(peerlist, 4, "Peer clock offset")
      File "/u1/src/NTP/ntpsec/ntpstats/ntpstats.py", line 221, in 
        stderr.write("No such peer as %s" % key)
    NameError: global name 'stderr' is not defined

7. "-n name" seems to do nothing.

8. looks good: -all-peer-offsets

9. looks good: -all-peer-jitters

10. -s broken:

    # ./ntpviz  -d /var/log/ntpstats --peer-offsets  -s 1470021644 
> tmp.plot
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "./ntpviz", line 48, in <module>
        starttime = iso_to_unix(val)
      File "/u1/src/NTP/ntpsec/ntpstats/ntpstats.py", line 282, in iso_to_unix
        return calendar.timelocal(time.strptime(tv, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"))
    AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'timelocal'

11. "-e endtime" would be nice.
    Then I could do a nice week or month plot without having to run
    exactly after the period end.
12. seems to do nothing by default:

    # ./ntpviz

13. not sure what to do about html...

Gary E. Miller Rellim 109 NW Wilmington Ave., Suite E, Bend, OR 97703
        g...@rellim.com  Tel:+1 541 382 8588

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