Hello Caeley and David,
Thank you for your offer to help the NTPsec Project improve our CII
Badge score.
Yes, we would appreciate your help.
As you may know, the NTPsec Project's website is at http://ntpsec.org/
and contains links to the project documentation, and links to our GitLab
org account and git repos at https://gitlab.com/groups/NTPsec
Please do check out the project, and let us know your suggestions at
improving our score.
Also, do please keep CC devel@ntpsec.org on all emails about this, so we
can maintain a public record and maintain full community participation.
Mark Atwood
Project Manager pro tem, The NTPsec Project
On Thu, Jul 14, 2016, at 12:36, Looney, Caeley M (UNC) wrote:
> Good Afternoon!
> I work with David Wheeler at IDA on the CII Badging Process, and I
> noticed that NTPsec is making great progress towards getting its
> badge.  I have been working to help other projects fill in their
> criteria and help further their progress status, and I’m reaching out
> to you to see if you’d like me to review your project and help fill in
> the application where necessary as well.  Please let me know when you
> have the chance and I look forward to hearing back!
> Thanks,
> Caeley Looney
devel mailing list

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