On Mon, Jul 4, 2016 at 5:10 AM, Hal Murray <hmur...@megapathdsl.net> wrote:

If there is a conflict, my suggestion would be to rename the old stuff to
> classic-xxx and install the new stuff as ntpsec-xxx and setup links and
> provide a script to swing the links.  Or something like that.  There
> probably
> needs to be a script to uninstall the classic version and undo the links.

I'm thinking of using the "/etc/alternatives" directory and the appropriate
I could provide two scripts: one to delete the Classic installation, and
one to
uninstall NTPsec.  Each would remove all the indirection through the

Do we want to install NTPsec in the same hierarchy as Classic?  Or in an
alternative location?  (/usr/local?  /opt??)

So far, the config files are compatible so it makes sense to leave the old
> one alone if it has been edited.  (The admin might have picked some good
> servers or setup logging.)

Yes.  Another method is to do like a standard RPM upgrade script does, and
only clobber the existing config file *if* it is unchanged from the last
distributed version.  Any changes cause the new config file to be dropped
into the directory with a "-rpmnew" suffix.  Then the admin has to resolve
conflicts manually.

> Where would you document what happened and/or how to switch back?

 Good question.  Suggestions?

  - *John D. Bell*
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