> esr@snark:~/software/ntp-rescue/ntpsec$ ntpq -c mrulist
> ***Command `mrulist' unknown

I don't know what's wrong on your end.  When I cut/paste that line, I get 
things like this:

Ctrl-C will stop MRU retrieval and display partial results.
Retrieved 5 unique MRU entries and 0 updates.
lstint avgint rstr r m v  count rport remote address
     1     33    0 . 3 4   3833   123 shuksan
    21     37    0 . 3 4   3394   123 mon
    27     52    0 . 4 4   2399   123 glypnod
    31     65    0 . 4 4   1916   123 cent
    64     44    0 . 4 4   2826   123 tom

e...@thyrsus.com said:
> Name must have changed. But I remember seeing the code for that. Looking in
> ntp_control.c...looks like memory used used is O(n) in the number of peers. 

Where "peers" includes clients rather than just "peers" from ntp.conf

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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