e...@thyrsus.com said:
> Does anyone on the list understand mode 6 well enough to answer questions?
> My main one is: if I add a field to a mode 6 response, is it going to break
> old ntpqs or will they silently ignore it? 

I think they ignore it, but try it to be sure.

> (The response field I intend to add, of course, is to the peer query and is
> a refclock type name - empty for real servers.) 

Beware.  There are 4 variations on the peers command in ntpq.

The "o" types print the dispersion rather than jitter.
The "l" types print the local IP address rather than the refid.
At least I thought that was what should happen.  lpeers doesn't work that way.

There is also apeers.

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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