fallenpega...@gmail.com said:
> It is looking like its time for the next release.  Baring a stop, I will tag
> it 0.9.3 and release on Tuesday, 2016-05-17, during OSCON.

A while ago, we had a discussion about the version number/string for releases 
vs working versions between releases.  I don't remember the result.  Did we 
reach a conclusion and/or did it get written down anyplace?  I don't see 
anything in README - just that the string is in VERSION.

> Please avoid checking in any major changes until after then.

I think we need a slightly more complicated pre-release schedule.  Working 
back, I'd like a day or two of running the proposed release, and I/we may 
need a day or two from an announcement to start running the proposed version. 
 Ahead of that, it may take a day or more to finish up work in progress.

If a quick release is important, we can save a few days by not checking in 
work-in-progress or being lucky and not having any work-in-progress.  
Similarly, we can save another day or two if everybody starts testing right 

> Hal, Daniel, Eric, Amar, please speak up, are you confident in what you have
> checked in?  Is the .../NEWS file up to date?

All looks good from here, but I'm still looking.

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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