e...@thyrsus.com said:
> My intention is to officially deprecate refclocks 20 and 48 in favor of 28
> (SHM), explaining that the way 1PPS and in-band information is mingled
> produces bad behavior on 1PPS dropouts.   Actual deprecation will wait on
> confirmation from Gary's tests. 

Why did you pick SHM rather than JSON?  I thought the party line was to 
switch to JSON?

Is the only problem with 48 that the default is to mingle/mangle the PPS and 
serial info?  Other than that I think the results are the same as SHM.

I'm happy to go with SHM.  I hate the verbosity of JSON.

> Hal, I hope you're paying attention to this.

I can't figure out what time scale you are talking about.

In the long term, I'm happy to cleanup the refclock stuff by switching to 
refclockd, whatever that turns out to be.  That's assuming we take time to do 
it right.  We should start by collecting ideas for a requirements list.

In the short term, I think it's important to maintain compatibility with NTP 
classic.  So I vote against deprecating any of the current drivers and 
probably against minor tweaks (like changing defaults) that would 
simplify/clean-up ntp.conf.

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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