e...@thyrsus.com said:
> Accordingly, I'll be extending the breadth of the HOWTO to cover more
> hardware - not just two additional HATs but the Odroid C2 as well and
> probably the BeagleBone Black later. 

Could you please say a bit more about that area?

There are a lot of small Pi-like ARM boards.  How did you pick the Odroid C2? 
 How many other boards did you consider?  How many of them will be around for 
a while?  How many of them have serious software support?

How much will supporting other boards add to the clutter of a HOWTO? 

I took a quick scan at the Odroid C2 web pages.  It has a 40 pin header, but 
I didn't find any claims about Pi compatibility.  Does anybody know if it 
takes any of the Pi GPS HATs?

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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