Mark Atwood <>:
> Hi!
> I have created an etherpad at
> Please fill that etherpad in with the expected attendee list, and items you
> feel should be on the agenda.

Have done so. I have no fixed agenda items.  I think we need to generally take
stock of the project, consider adoption strategy, amd talk about goals and
the obstacles on the way to them.

> What times are good and not good?  Has a time been settled on?

I'm going to suggest early Sunday afternoon, blocking out an hour
sometime between between 1:00PM and whenever Daniel has to check out
and leave.  I checked the schedule and I don't think any of our people
are presenting at that time - that's much more of a risk Saturday as
several of us will be doing program items that day.

> I do not know that hotel or con.  Can we just take a room?  Does anyone
> have a hotel room that is a suite with meeting space?

Rooms in the Westin are, I'm told, booked solid.  If nothing better offers
we can use my room at the Holiday Inn Express, but I think we can do better
than that.  Several event rooms have dead time Sunday afternoon - the Nicolet,
EMC II and EMC IV, the EMC breakout space, etc.

If that timeslot is acceptable, I'll email and request
official use of one of those rooms; as a former GOH I can probably swing that.
                <a href="";>Eric S. Raymond</a>
devel mailing list

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