v...@darkbeer.org said:
> I wonder how will this will work using the PPS via GPIO system I'm working
> on.   Should be fine and it should be far, far more reliable than serial. 

Why do you think it will be more reliable?  It's the same idea.  Changing a 
signal on a pin generates an interrupt which wanders through a few layers of 
bit testing and dispatching and eventually gets to the PPS code that grabs 
the time.

> Another method to get a lot of code coverage is to write shims between each
> driver and a general time interface so we can mock the API for each device.
> Not  sure how feasible that is as some of them are radically different.  May
> not be  worth it at all in the end. 

Once Eric gets TESTFRAME going, then we can start collecting samples.

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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