On Tue, Mar 8, 2016 at 9:00 PM, Amar Takhar <v...@darkbeer.org> wrote:

> If you could please test this out.  Build it, make a tarball then move
> a2x/asciidoc/bison out of the way and see if the tarball builds.
> To build it do:
>   1. Build with asciidoc detected so it builds the manpages
>   2. edit wscript and set NTPS_RELEASE to True
>   3. # make dist
> This will generate the tarball with pregenerated source.

Apart from a minor nitpick ( #3 should be python waf configure ; pithon waf
build ), this works perfectly.  Destination was ubuntu 12.04 .

Sanjeev Gupta
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