On 2016-02-12 03:12 -0800, Hal Murray wrote:
> > Cross compiling works.  Usage is really simple:
> Great/congrats.


> I think it would be great if you wrote up a HOWTO type document, including 
> the setup stuff and the required (if any) cflags and ldflags.  I think any 
> combination of host OS/distro and target hardware/OS would be very helpful.  
> I'm thinking of a checklist as well as specifics for a specific host and 
> target.

It's so straight forward to use.  You literally just need to supply it the 
compiler and any cflags.  There is nothing fancy at all required.  I can write 
paragraph on how to do this.

For instance when I tested on Ubuntu all I did was install 
gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf and did:

  waf configure --cross-compiler=arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc

It built fine.  No OpenSSL or libevent2.  I built those later using the same 
compiler and it all worked as expected.

> I have a Pi where I can test things.  I'll be glad to be a guinea pig on such 
> a document.

OK.. if anyone has any suggestions where the docs should go I can write 

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