Sounds good.

On Fri, Feb 5, 2016, 10:13 PM Hal Murray <> wrote:

> said:
> > Tweaking ntpq to show the setup is interesting.  Is ntpq called by
> anything
> > of note in any of the main distributions.  It may be worth adding that to
> > the display in a way that doesnt change too much, and then wait for bug
> > reports from distros and users.
> ntpq is primarily used by humans.  Somebody might have a script that parses
> it, but the format sure isn't friendly for that sort of hacking.
> There are two changes that would make sense.  One would be to show some
> slots
> that now get skipped over.  This is needed anyway to debug some pool cases.
> I was just going to round it up to show everything.  I'll have to look to
> see
> what other cases don't show currently.
> The other change would be in the "t" column.  (t for type)  The details of
> the current code are in the man page.  I'd be adding a few new codes.
> I think the changes are localized enough so that we could add a switch.  It
> would just be clutter to maintain.
> > Interesting about the bug in the startup.  Does NTP Classic do it too?
> >  If so, report it to their bugtracker, after we release 0.9.2
> I'm pretty sure it does.
> I noticed the problem because I stumbled into a test case where the first
> clock to respond just happens to be my home system and my DSL line has a
> bad
> case of buffer bloat.  That distorts the timing enough to make ntpd step
> the
> time which puts an ugly entry into the log file.
> --
> These are my opinions.  I hate spam.
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